
A warm welcome to Little Na's Journal 2007. We are a married couple who has recently been blessed with a new baby. Here we wish to share our learning experience as first time parents and do feel free to leave comments. Once again, thank you for visiting our blog.

The #1 mistake almost everyone makes when trying to conceive? (this will surprise you!)
What store-bought product you must never use if you want to get pregnant?
What happens if you save up sperm for your fertile days?
Which food contains something dangerous for women trying to conceive?
How to finally nail the difficult task of determining when you ovulate?
Which vitamin can actually dry up your cervical fluid making conception next to impossible?
The worst beverage you can drink?
An over the counter medicine that can harm sperm?
Plus much, much more!!

Did you know that inducing labor does not have to be a negative concept or painful experience. Labor does not even have to be induced medically with Pitocin and in a hospital.

That is why this might be the most important information about the natural ways to induce labor you ever read…

...because using a simple method at home could start your labor in a safe and natural way in 48 hours!

"Now, what is this amazing natural labor inducing remedy that can help YOU to
avoid medical labor induction, and
have an easier and shorter labor?"

This amazing natural method is called Maternity Acupressure.

Research proves that acupressure for labor is one of the best ways to naturally induce labor - in a safe and effective way!

Acupressure helps you avoid medical labor induction and brings on your labor naturally.

Acupressure points for inducing labor help the cervix dilate, speed up slow early labor, help your baby to descend, and stimulate labor contractions.

Furthermore, Maternity Acupressure relieves other issues that delay labor.

What is wonderful, is that this method does NOT over stimulate your body or distress your baby, because it just helps your body work better, in an optimal way!


ClearBlue Digital Ovulation Test

ClearBlue Fertility Monitor Value Kit


FertilAID for Men

Fertility Blend for Women



Taking Charge of Your Fertility


Recommended weekly servings of some seafood species, for pregnant women

This table outlines different types of fresh seafood, and the recommended
intake per week, for pregnant women who wish to have the benefits of seafood
while limiting their exposure to methylmercury.

We just had our routine check with the Gyne and realised that the baby now weighs 700gm.. a tad heavier than the average 600gm. It's an estimate nontheless. She's about 30cm now and could barely fit into the Ultrasound probe.
Fortunately mommy hasn't developed the much feared stretch marks as we moisturize the areas most prone to stretch marks with manukah honey moisturizers. They are very common at this stage of the pregnancy -- about 90 per cent of women get them. After you've given birth, the reddish or brown pigmentation in the stretch marks gradually fades, and the streaks become lighter than the surrounding skin.
We also heard the baby's heart beat from the doppler for the 2nd time... all is well and beating hard....
More updates in a month's time!
Names which we single out:
Charlotte \ch(ar)-lotte, charl(ot)-te\ is pronounced SHAR-let. It is of French origin, and its meaning is "little and womanly".
Caitlin \ca(it)-lin\ is pronounced KATE-lin. It is of Irish and Gaelic origin.
and its meaning is little darling or pure

Today we went for the DS (Detailed Scan) at Raffles Hospital and several measurements were made to detect structural anomalies. In the pic above the baby's Biparietal diameter was measured (Skull).
Everything was great and we found out that it was a baby GIRL.
As of current the EDD is 30 June 2008

What is examined at the 20 week scan?
The baby's internal organs are examined in cross-sectional views.
Bones appear white on the scan, fluid is black, and soft tissues look grey and speckled.
The head is usually examined first, to check its shape and internal structures.
Some severe brain problems are visible at this stage. The sonographer will look at the baby’s face to see if she can see any cleft of the lip, but clefts of the palate inside of the baby’s mouth are difficult to see and are not often picked up on scans.
The spine is checked in both the long view and in cross section, to make sure that all the vertebrae are in alignment and that the skin covers the spine at the back.
The baby's abdominal wall is also checked to make sure it covers all the internal organs at the front.
The heart is looked at for its size and shape. The top two chambers, or "atria", and the bottom two chambers, or "ventricles", should be equal in size, and the valves should open and close with each heartbeat.
Raffles offer a more detailed scan of the heart to look at the major blood vessels.
The stomach should be visible below the heart.
The baby swallows some of the amniotic fluid that it lies in, which is seen in the stomach as a black bubble.
The sonographer will check that the baby has two kidneys, and that urine flows freely into the bladder. If the bladder is empty it should fill up during the scan and be easy to see - the baby has been weeing every half an hour or so for some months now!
Hands and feet are examined and the fingers and toes are looked at, but not counted.
The placenta, umbilical cord and amniotic fluid are all checked The placenta may be on the front or the back wall of your womb, usually near the top (or fundus) so may be described as "fundal" on your scan report. Many are described as "low" because they reach down to or cover the neck of the womb (cervix).
If your placenta is low, another scan will be arranged in the third trimester, by which time most placenta will have moved away from the cervix.
It is possible to count the three blood vessels in the umbilical cord, but this may not be done routinely. There should be enough amniotic fluid surrounding the baby to allow it to move freely at this stage.
Next update Mid March 2008~